A1 Actions Games Infant Materials Present Continuous Primary

Action verbs bingo game

This is a simple bingo activity for use with infant or primary learners.

Print off as many bingo cards as you need, with a corresponding number of vocabulary card sets with the card backing on page 3 of the PDF so that you can set your printer to print them double-sided if you have that option. Cut everything up and laminate.

Learners have a card each and the smaller card sets are placed face down in the centre of the table. Learners take it in turns to pick up a card from the centre and look at it, saying the word. but NOT showing the card to their classmates. They then place it on top of their bingo card, if they need it, or return it to the table if they don’t.

The game will be easier at first, but will get harder as they fill up the bingo card. Other learners have to listen to their classmates so that they can tell where cards they need are located on the table.

This is a short 10-15 minute game that can be used at the end, or in the middle of a class to take a break and boost brain function / learning as part of other themed activities when learning actions vocabulary.

You can even use more complex functions with older learners, by getting them to say sentences rather than just the word when they pick up the cards. For example:

  • “I like running” “I like to run”
  • “I can / can’t run”
  • “I am running” / “(S)He is running” etc…

If you like this activity, or you have any suggestions to improve it, please comment below.