This is a writing activity I put together for a teen class I have to get them writing short texts. In this activity they need to imagine they are on Tinder, or a similar dating app and write their profile, or profiles of imaginary people. There are no downloads really, as you can just do this activity as is from this page.
How do people find a date these days? Ask students and list the different ways on the whiteboard. Hopefully students should mention dating apps, if not, try and get it on the list.
What dating apps do you know about? Some they might mention are Bumble,, Tinder, Grinder (for gay men mainly) etc.
Print out the Tinder profiles below and get the students to read them and pass them round.

What language do people use? What grammar? How might one describe themselves on a dating app profile? Brainstorm vocabulary.
Writing activities
- Tell students to either write a profile for themself, or a classmate. (Teens may be mean, depending on the class, so make sure you tell them they have to highlight the GOOD parts about the person.)
- Pick two celebrities and write profiles for them. One boy and one girl… or if lots of the class have a crush on a particular celebrity, ban that person! They should be at least 50 words each person.
- Get students to read the profiles out and their classmates should guess who it is.
Follow up:
Pick one of the celebrities and write a reply. Get students to write a set of replies to each other. You can set a text timit… maybe 20 words per reply.